Hoax or Fact store eggs in the refrigerator closet door?

Februari 09, 2017

Hoax or Fact store eggs in the refrigerator closet door?

The following story is long and often circulate in the community but there are still many who agree and disagree with this issue. There is an assumption that eggs should not be stored on the door of the refrigerator, because it makes rotten eggs quickly. But until now there are still many who doubt this assumption and the generally makes people still do it. "Eggs damaged if stored on the door of the refrigerator Hoax or Fact?". Let's look at the explanation.

Eggs become one of the staple that almost always there at home. Mothers often provide a stock of eggs for a few days and a refrigerator into a storage area that feels safe for the egg.

But apparently fresh eggs are susceptible to temperature changes. While the refrigerator door is often a place to store eggs is a frequently changing temperature. If you opened the refrigerator door will terkontaminsai outside temperatures. This could affect the quality of the eggs.

Besides the refrigerator door is opened frequently will cause shocks to bagin in eggs. It could be part of the yolk and the egg white can be mixed. If both are already mixed the eggs will be broken and can not be durable.

No one knows who first suggested the storage of eggs at the door refrigerator. While the refrigerator manufacturers make special design on the door of a refrigerator for storing eggs. Maybe this could be a factor in why people often lay eggs on the door of the refrigerator.

"What fact?"

Eggs should be stored inside the refrigerator to keep the temperature and avoid shocks. If the egg is wrapped with cardboard fill can last 3 to 5 weeks in the refrigerator. In addition salmonella bacteria also can not
reproduce themselves with cold temperature stable so that the egg can always fresh and ready to be cooked.

"In conclusion if the egg is damaged if stored on the door of the refrigerator is a Fact."

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