7 Technology in Film Being Real

Februari 28, 2017

7 Technology in Film Being Real

     Action films, often featuring advanced equipment which was not possible in the real world. But now thanks to the technological sophistication of some of the powerful tools in the film can be produced and could not be used by many people recorded some powerful tools in the film can be dirpoduksi and could not be used by many people. Recorded several in advanced technology in films has become a reality. As binders automatic shoes, clothes super sophisticated Iron Man, to the flying car. Whooaa what kind and severity of these tools. The following summarize the bikinkamukepoblog.blogspot.com has 7 Technology in Film Becoming Real:

1. Binder Automatic Shoe
    American producers show the results of their latest work, which is an advanced shoe inspired from the movie Back To The fututre II. Great, because these shoes can tie the laces themselves. These automatic fastener shoelace was first exhibited in October 2015. They call this technology called laser power. They instill power laser technology section of the sole. To activate it, there is a button that is stored on the outside of the shoe so that the shoe laces can tie their own. CEO Mark Parker said the company is trying to create a shoe that was originally just a fictional story. But has now become a reality. The company creates this technology so it can be useful for athletes or users in general. Currently they are only one pair berlebel's Niki Mag. then in the year 2016 Niki other Mag immediately released.

2. Sophisticated Clothes Iron Man

    The figure of Iron Man has become a very popular superhero figure. In the movie Iron Man often includes a variety of super-advanced technology. Starting from clothes Arma 3D finite Interfest Herma. Interestingly, today there are developers and companies are trying to produce Iron Man. Design that brings a person can make a fly actually had it long enough. In 1919 ago Alexander Fyodorovich Russian scientists have made a simple jet kemuduan in 1960 by other scientists of the Bell company Rocket Fic memerkan other jatpack. But because of the cost factor in project failure. This time it was re ambition embodied by Iceland-based company New Martin Airclub merka create clothes Arma la Iron Man can fly in the air for 30 minutes. Even Martin Jetpack reportedly labeled products will be produced and dujual market in 2016. while DARPA or Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is also not to be outdone they have developed a robot suit for physical boost the American army for more than a decade.

3. Gloves Repulason Iron Man Ray

    One of the more advanced tools used are weapons Repulason Iron Man Ray. That is a kind of light paired leser ditelapak zirahnya hands on clothes. And now teksnisi laboratory in Germany created the weapon belonged miliyarder Repulason Ray. Simple shape that is paired in the hands of the power of its own energy comes from the battery that backs paired hand. Repulason Ray is capable of removing light blue colored Lasser. But the tool is a little dangerous. Lasser because when exposed to light for a long time can make a match on fire and the balloon burst, so necessary maturity and caution when using it.

4. Flying Car version of Blade Runner

    After watching the movie Blade Runner in 1989 then we probably would have a flying car membayankan in garsi our homes. And now perusahaahn based Disclosive Aeromobil are developing the car terbagn since 1989 ago. Their latest car Aeromobil have a car shapes like cars in general include wings that can open that time will be used to fly the car can take off at a speed of 140 km per hour. No information on how the price of this car will be marketed when officially released.

5. Sophisticated Sticky Gloves Gloves
    In the movie Mission Impossible adagen Ghos Protocol, Etenhan played by Tom Crush action climbing the world's tallest building in Dubai Brech Haliva with the help of a pair of electronic gloves and the real world of Stanford University researchers are developing materials based on the texture of gecko feet. So that when the glove is worn to help people creeping vertical surface like a gecko. The project, funded by the United States military agencies have examined the use of advanced glove allows a man weighing 70 Kg to climb vertical glass walls up to 7.5 meters tall.

6. Scanadu Scout detector Disease

    When you feel unwell maybe we do not need to see a doctor to determine the diseases that we suffer. The problem with the advanced scanner Scout Scanadu we can diagnose the disease is only a matter of seconds. As advanced tools Medical Tricorder in Star Trek, Scanadu Scout can detect body temperature heart rate, blood oxygen level, blood pressure and other sebgainya. How to use pum quite easy, simply put the tool in the forehead and automatically Scanadu Scout will provide a variety of information about the illness. The tool is connected to the smartphone. Some claim these tools 90% accurate and can diagnose the disease in janka less than 10 seconds. The information obtained can then be stored on the smartphone app to monitor our health. The tool is also equipped with a USB port and a battery that can last up to 1 week mseki worn every day. Scanadu Scout was first introduced in 2012 and exhibited the Consumer Electronic Show 2014 in LasVegas.

7. Computer Transparent With Hand Gestures
    In 2002 a fiction film titled Minority Report featuring a super-advanced technology. After a few years of film technology is finally becoming a reality. Fictions which takes place in 2054 shows a wide range of highly advanced technology used that era. Starting the vehicle until the computer gesture in pengoprasiannya now computer technology with a transparent screen that is operated premises using hand gestures or motion has been realized. Even in 2008, there are companies that have developed specialized softwere called Gesture Control. Gesture Control itself is a new system that uses SIO. By using the SIO then someone will be able to use gesture-based input technology with the Internet network. Besides Gesture Control are similar device developed by several different companies.

That Damikian 7 Film Technology in Real Being so bikinkamukepo.blogspot.com version which technology you want? 

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